Definition of Hang glider

1. Noun. A rider of a hang glider.

Generic synonyms: Rider

2. Noun. A glider resembling a large kite; the rider hangs from it while descending from a height.
Generic synonyms: Glider, Sailplane

Definition of Hang glider

1. Noun. An unpowered aircraft resembling a large kite from which a rider is suspended in a harness. ¹

2. Noun. The rider of such a craft. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Hang Glider

hang a Louie
hang a Ralph
hang a left
hang a leg
hang a right
hang about
hang an arse
hang around
hang back
hang by a thread
hang dog
hang fire
hang fires
hang five
hang glide
hang glider
hang gliders
hang gliding
hang in
hang in the balance
hang on
hang on every word
hang onto
hang out
hang out one's shingle
hang out to dry
hang over
hang paper
hang ten
hang the moon

Literary usage of Hang glider

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Georgia and the Carolinas by Norman Renouf, Kathy Renouf (1999)
"... Boundary Hiking Trail £"#« hang glider Launching Area hang glider Landing Area States, 80 to 100 feet above sea level depending upon weather conditions, ..."

2. Terrorist Group Profiles (1993)
"November 1987 — A member of the PFLP-GC successfully penetrated Israel from Lebanon, using a powered hang glider. The terrorist killed six Israeli soldiers ..."

3. Adventure Guide Maui by Sharon Hamblin (2005)
"... motorized hang glider and there's a belt holding you in on the front but when you're up in the air, it's just you and the sky. It was amazing. ..."

4. Syria and the Middle East Peace Process by Alasdair Drysdale, Raymond A. Hinnebusch (1991)
"In 1987, a hang glider attack on Israel by a pro-Syrian Palestinian group, which was possibly initiated to derail Israel's attempts to ..."

5. Adventure Guide to the Alps by Krista Dana (2004)
"... first took to the air in 1912, when a local resident built the region's first hang-glider. By the 1930s, a local airfield was one of Europe's favorite ..."

6. Eastern Crete by Jonnie Godfrey, Elizabeth Karslake (2003)
"What about a hang glider? The track now turns away from the sea and back towards the mountains, giving you a chance to look out over the hi I Is you've just ..."

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